Try the Practice Below. If it's challenging, schedule an appointment and let's explore why.
Why schedule a breathing assessment?
With the fast pace of life, and the rampant growth in technology, many of us spend an inordinate amount of time in our heads. This, alone, results in a short, shallow breathing pattern. Add to that a time when you were scolded, scared or shamed... and you may even have a paradoxical breathing pattern now. This keeps the stress response firing 24/7. As a result, your body continuously secretes stress hormones and this leads to wear and tear in your organs and body systems.
Not feeling as good as you used to? It may be that you're suffering from an elevated stress response. You don't notice it, because the effects develops slowly over time.
The good news is...this can be reversed. Come in and learn how. It doesn't take much time at all.
Why schedule a breathing assessment?
With the fast pace of life, and the rampant growth in technology, many of us spend an inordinate amount of time in our heads. This, alone, results in a short, shallow breathing pattern. Add to that a time when you were scolded, scared or shamed... and you may even have a paradoxical breathing pattern now. This keeps the stress response firing 24/7. As a result, your body continuously secretes stress hormones and this leads to wear and tear in your organs and body systems.
Not feeling as good as you used to? It may be that you're suffering from an elevated stress response. You don't notice it, because the effects develops slowly over time.
The good news is...this can be reversed. Come in and learn how. It doesn't take much time at all.
Breathing to Embody Life Force Energy - a Practice
Take a moment to separate yourself from the activities around you.
Sit comfortably, or lie down. And take a long, deep breath in. Sigh it out.
Now Sense into your feet. If you're sitting, let them rest evenly on the floor beneath your knees and relax.
Sense into your seat, and the support offered by the chair underneath you.
Allow the energy of your body to move out of your head, and to anchor down through your Seat, and through your feet.
next, bring awareness to your breath.
Breathe. with little effort.
Allow a comfortably deep and natural, fluid breath to move in & out , again and again, through the nostrils.
Allow yourself to settle into an alert yet relaxed and receptive state as you continue to focus on nasal breathing.
Now, sink your awareness into your belly. Soften your belly. Invite it to move as you breathe.
do your best to breathe naturally, And move your belly with each breath now.
Focus on expanding your belly as air moves into your lungs. contract your belly AS YOU RELEASE bREATH from the lungs. Inhale, Expand your Belly. exhale, contract it.
tHIS pattern releases the DIAPHRAGM. it helps you draw more air in to your lungs. it WILL HELP RELEASE BREATH UP AND OUT FROM THE lungs as well. If it's a foreign experience, take your time. physically expand and contract your belly as you breathe using as little effort as you can to do so.
breathe in again, softly inviting the belly to expand as you inhale. Contract it as you exhale. take two more breaths this way, and then pause to notice your experience.
it's natural to feel somewhat light headed when just starting out. as your body remembers the natural way to breathe, it will adapt to a more efficient exchange of respiratory gases.
sit quIETLY FOR A FEW MINUTES, breathing with very little effort, and take note of thoughts, sensations, feelings, and/or anything else that arises from this practice. Do so from a place of detached awareness.
If this was a comfortable practice for you, you may take three more breaths this way now.
ONCE THE MOVEMENTS BECOME FAMILIAR, YOU MAY BREATHE IN THIS WAY, OVER AND OVER AND OVER, at various points throughout your day to facilitate relaxation and enhance gentle focus.
For now, let the practice go.
Pause and breathe as you are naturally accustomed for a moment before moving back into the rest of your day.
know that you can come back to this stress relieving practice any time. Let it become a natural remedy for whatever ails you, day or night.
Inquire about receiving additional support as you refine your practice. Click here.
Did you struggle with that exercise? It may be that you are a "Reverse Breather". So no matter how hard or how often you try to breathe in a stress relieving way, you won't succeed.
Let's assess that, and fix it so that you can learn to trust the natural reflexes of your body, and relax easily and effortlessly whenever you want to.
Call me today to set up an appointment.
Let's assess that, and fix it so that you can learn to trust the natural reflexes of your body, and relax easily and effortlessly whenever you want to.
Call me today to set up an appointment.