Pran Mudra for Stability -
This mudra activates the root chakra - allowing us to feel more grounded, steady, and calm. Those who practice this mudra find that it stimulates the nourishing energy in the pelvic floor and increase vitatlity, reduces fatique and nervousness, and improves vision. According to Hirschi, it is also used against eye diseases.
To perform, bring the tips of each thumb together with the tips of the ring finger and little finger in each hand. Or you may place the thumb over the nails of the ring and little fingers. Hold as needed for 5-30 minutes, or three times a day for 15 minutes each time.
Combining Pran Mudra with slow, conscious, full body breaths can serve to stabilize and calm even in the midst of storms.
- The above info was adapted from Gertrud Hirschi's Mudra Book
More Info To Come Soon!