6/17/2019 Soothe the Fires of Summer Time and Thrive ~Ayurvedic Wisdom for the Summer Season.Read NowSeven Savvy Tips for a Soothing Summer Season.
In Ayurveda, summertime is the pitta season. This means that the heat in the environment can bring out the heat in our bodies and aggravate our mind and emotions. To manage the pitta dosha so that you feel calm and balanced even as the weather heats up around you during the hot summer months, follow these suggestions: * Avoid exercising outdoors during the hottest time of day, between 10 AM and 5 PM. * Stay hydrated, and add more moist and cooling foods to your diet. This means drinking up to half your body weight in ounces of fresh water, and eating fresh foods like salads, fruits and berries, and grains. *Avoid rushing, pushing, or struggling to meet deadlines now. Instead, slow down and take time to “smell the roses.” * Enjoy leisurely walks in nature, linger out in the cool evening breezes or under the moonlight, spend time in or near fresh, cool gently running water. * Craft a cooling and calming aromatherapy spritzer blend from lavender, rose, mint, jasmine or ylang ylang essential oils and spray on your face, your skin, around your home or office. * Practice soothing and cooling breathing practices including alternate nostril breathing; left nostril breathing; or slowly drawing air across the tongue as you inhale. * Consider napping in the early afternoon for 20 minutes. This is refreshing to body and brain, and may support a later bedtime hour during the longer summer days. Even bringing one of these soothing practices into your day will help tame the fires of summer that are often the culprit behind irritated skin, digestion, moods, and more. I invite you to implement these cooling and calming self-care practices in order to live your best life this summer and thrive. Questions? Please reach out and let me know how I can support you. Namaste, Sharon Harvey Alexander, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist, Reiki Master, and Holistic Stress Managment Educator
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